Malawi Federation of Cooperatives Limited (MAFECO)
Co-Operative Development at its Finest!
“We are an umbrella body for all cooperatives in Malawi. We provide aid in teaching, regulating, and maintaining cooperatives across the nation.”
- Trusted
- Experienced
- Professional
The Malawi Federation of Cooperatives (MAFECO) is an apex body for cooperatives – in other words, it is an umbrella body for cooperatives in Malawi. MAFECO was registered on 1st June 2015, under the Cooperative Societies Act (Cap. 47:02) of the Laws of Malawi, and was issued with a Certificate of Registration, number 1248.

What We do

Capacity Building activities
MAFECO conducts inductions for its employees and capacity building coaching and training for leaders of cooperatives in member education, governance and financial management.
MAFECO has developed a Financial Management tool – this tool is designed to simplify financial record keeping, production of Financial Statements and extraction of audit schedules.
Printing and selling of promotional materials, development of website and institutional emails, TV/Radio programs, interface interactions with Cooperatives and promotional and establishment of Cooperative unions.

Skills Development Unit
MAFECO plans to establish a Skills Development Unit (SDU). MAFECO has a working relationship with the United Kingdom Cooperative College which offers various accredited courses. The SDU will be charged with the responsibility of running accredited short courses on Business Management, Financial Management and Marketing for Cooperatives. MAFECO plans to upscale the SDU into Cooperative College of Malawi in the medium to long term.
Why we are important
Formation and Purpose
The principle objectives for the formation of MAFECO are as follows
To represent, protect and defend the interests of cooperatives in Malawi through lobbying, advocacy, networking and collaboration at local, regional and international levels.
To promote cooperative development as a model for alternative economic empowerment in Malawi.
To facilitate capacity building through education and training for members, cooperative leaders and management.
To collect and disseminate information on cooperative development to stakeholders and the general public.
Policy Documents
To initiate the development and review of cooperative policies, legal and regulatory framework and establishment of cooperative support institutions.
Business Support Services
To provide cooperatives with access to market information, grants/ subsidies and consultancy services.