Research and Innovation

This section provides cooperative members with access to recently published information covering cooperative capacity building, innovative agricultural production practices, gender and youth inclusivity, environmental sustainability, adaptability and resilience, and food security and

Malawi’s Agriculture Sector - General

Food Systems Profile – MALAWI Catalysing the sustainable and inclusive transformation of food systems (FAO, EU, CIRAD, 2023)

Cooperative Studies

IFPRI (CGIAR), 2023: Primary Cooperatives in Malawi: Structure, Conduct and Performance
IFPRI (CGIAR), 2022: Primary Cooperatives in Malawi: Issues Affecting Performance and Inclusion
IFPRI (CGIAR), 2022: Can Cooperatives Commercialize Farming in Malawi
UNDP Paper on Agricultural Commercialization in Malawi, 2023
FAO, 2023, Assessment of Apex Farmer Organizations Engaged in Agri-Business in Malawi

Cooperative Success Stories

Malawi Investment and Trade Centre, 2024: Bwanje Valley Rice Cooperative
Spirit in Action, 2022: Manyamula Community Savings and Investment Promotion (COMSIP)
NEEF, 2023
Agdevco, 2018: Phata - A Successful Cooperative Model
Malawi Institute of Journalism, 2022: Cooperatives Changing Lives of Farmers
MUSCCO and COMSIP Credit Unions
CDF Canada

Innovative Production Practices

Gender and Youth Inclusion

Environmental Sustainability, Adaptability and Resilience

Food Security and Nutrition