WHich UNions is mafeco made up of?

MAFECO Members

As an apex body, MAFECO’s members are cooperative unions and the founding members are as follow

Mzuzu Coffee Planters Cooperative Union (MZCPCU)

Mzuzu Coffee Planters Cooperative Union (MZCPCU) is a prominent cooperative in the northern region of Malawi, dedicated to the coffee industry. Established to empower local coffee farmers, MZCPCU serves as a unifying platform for smallholder growers in and around the city of Mzuzu. The cooperative focuses on promoting sustainable and high-quality coffee cultivation practices while providing crucial support to its members in areas such as agricultural training, access to resources, and market facilitation. MZCPCU plays a vital role in the entire coffee value chain, from cultivation to processing and marketing, contributing significantly to the economic well-being of its member farmers and the broader coffee industry in Malawi.

Highlands Macadamia Cooperative Union Limited (HIMACUL)

Highlands Macadamia Cooperative Union Limited (HIMACUL) is a key cooperative entity in the macadamia industry, situated in the highlands of Malawi. Dedicated to the cultivation and promotion of macadamia nuts, HIMACUL serves as a unifying force for local farmers, particularly in the highland regions. The cooperative focuses on fostering sustainable agricultural practices, providing essential training and resources to its members, and facilitating the marketing and export of macadamia nuts. HIMACUL plays a pivotal role in the entire macadamia value chain, from orchard management to processing and market access. By empowering its members and contributing to the growth of the macadamia sector in Malawi, HIMACUL significantly influences economic prosperity within the highland communities and the broader agricultural landscape

Community Savings and Investment Promotion Cooperative Union (COMSIP).

Community Savings and Investment Promotion Cooperative Union (COMSIP) is a vital cooperative entity operating in Malawi, dedicated to promoting community-based savings and investment initiatives. Serving as a unifying platform for various local cooperatives, COMSIP focuses on empowering communities by fostering a culture of financial inclusion and responsible investment. The cooperative provides essential financial education, encourages savings practices, and facilitates community-driven investment projects. By supporting its member cooperatives and promoting sustainable financial practices, COMSIP plays a crucial role in enhancing economic resilience at the community level. Through its commitment to fostering financial literacy and community development, COMSIP contributes to the overall well-being and prosperity of its member communities in Malawi.

Mwandama Cooperative Union

Mwandama Cooperative Union is a pivotal cooperative entity situated in Malawi, actively involved in the promotion of agricultural and community development initiatives. Serving as a unifying force for local farmers and cooperatives, Mwandama Cooperative Union places a strong emphasis on sustainable agricultural practices and community empowerment. The cooperative provides essential support to its members, including agricultural training, access to resources, and market facilitation. Mwandama Cooperative Union operates across the agricultural value chain, from cultivation to processing and marketing, contributing significantly to the economic upliftment of its member farmers and the broader agricultural landscape in Malawi. Through its dedication to sustainable practices and community engagement, Mwandama Cooperative Union plays a vital role in fostering economic prosperity and resilience within the communities it serves.

Malawi Union of Savings & Credit Cooperatives (MUSCCO)

The Malawi Union of Savings & Credit Cooperatives (MUSCCO) holds a crucial position in the cooperative landscape of Malawi, specifically focusing on savings and credit initiatives. Serving as a central hub for savings and credit cooperatives across the country, MUSCCO plays a pivotal role in promoting financial inclusion and economic empowerment. The union is dedicated to providing essential financial services, including savings facilities and access to credit, to its member cooperatives. By offering financial education and facilitating collaborative initiatives, MUSCCO empowers communities to build financial resilience and undertake sustainable economic activities. Through its concerted efforts, MUSCCO significantly contributes to the enhancement of financial well-being and economic stability for individuals and communities participating in the cooperative movement in Malawi.